Beautifully-painted Mangler Squigs want to find a new home!\r美しく塗装されたマングラースクイグは新しい家を見つけたい!\r\rFeel free to contact me and negotiate\rお気軽にご連絡ください\r\rMangler Squigs are possibly the most insane living weapons to be unleashed upon the Mortal Realms – a pair of overgrown cave squigs, chained together in a foul-tempered toothy tandem. Together they crash, bound and roll across the battlefield like living wrecking balls, leaving trails of torn and broken bodies in their wake.\rOriginal GW price ¥13,200\r\r#Warhammer\r#ウォーハンマー\r#AoS\r#Age of Sigmar\r#ウォーハンマーAoS\r#Gloomspite Gitz